Changelog #37 - Postgres Public Preview, Service estimated cost, new 1-Click apps, Postgres support in the CLI, and more

Hi everyone!

Check out the platform’s latest features and improvements:

  1. Serverless Postgres Public Preview
    We are thrilled to announce that Serverless Postgres is available in public preview! Everyone can now deploy one fully managed database for free.
  1. Estimated cost based on Service configuration

    The cost of a Service depends on different factors like the Instance type, number of selected regions, or scaling configuration. We now display the estimated cost per month, day, and second, taking into consideration all factors.

  1. New 1-click apps and content to help you get started

    Learn how to build a YouTube video summarization application with LangChain, Deepgram, and Mistral 7B, how to execute GitHub Actions Runners for your CI pipeline, and how to dynamically spin up these runners only when needed and avoid undesired charges with our latest guides.

    One more thing, we’ve added a bunch of 1-click apps to the catalog including Qwik, Meillisearch, and more.

  1. Added Postgres Database Service support in the CLI

    We now support Postgres Database Services in the CLI. This allows you to create, manage, and retrieve your Postgres Database Services information without leaving the terminal. Learn more with the CLI Reference.

    The latest release also provides a way to reveal Secrets value which was not allowed previously. Check out the CLI changelog to see the full list of CLI improvements.: