Postgres reporting "Project has exceeded the active time quota"

I’m trying to deploy a very seldom used app and getting the following error when it tries to connect to Postgres

Your project has exceeded the active time quota. Upgrade your plan to increase limits.

What are these time limits and where can I see them?

:man_facepalming: The free DB is limited to 50 hrs! I’m not sure how it was exceeded so I’ll have to check my logs.

I understand why I’m getting this error now, however, it would be incredibly useful to be able to see what’s in the DB even when it’s over the time quota to help me understand the problem better.

Perhaps there could be a way to establish a single non-application connection so we can run queries or backup the data to examine locally.

This is a problem specific to the free DBs, you should be able to upgrade the DB to a small one to see what it’s in it!