Changelog #54 - Add platform detection for Docker images, improved error message for Docker deployments, CLI v3.11, and using Groq on Koyeb

Hello, and welcome to this week’s changelog update! Let’s jump into what’s new:

  1. Add platform detection for Docker images

    We now return a human-readable message when the docker image doesn’t have the correct architecture. Previously, you could deploy and had to wait for the deployment to see the reason the deployment failed. This improvement shortens the feedback loop.

  2. Improved error message in case of an invalid Docker command

    A clear error message in case of an invalid Docker command is now displayed. Previously, this behavior was not properly handled and a generic message was displayed making it hard to troubleshoot.

  3. CLI: Improved service configuration management, access metrics, and more

    You can now save changes to your Service configuration without triggering a new deployment using the --save option on the services update command. This is useful for instance in case the changes are required by an upcoming code modification when using git-driven deployment. Previously, a new deployment occurred every time you updated the service.

    We also introduced the koyeb metrics get command to access Service metrics directly from the CLI.

    Check out all CLI changes in the v3.11.0 changelog.

  4. Using Groq to Build a Real-Time Language Translation App

    In his latest tutorial, Nuno describes how to build a real-time language translation app using Groq. You can also deploy the app in one click.