Changelog #47 - Improved Docker-based deployments, new service configuration form rollout, CLI, and more

Hello, and welcome to this week’s changelog update! Let’s jump into what’s new:

  1. Improved Docker-based deployments

    We now check that we can access your pre-built containers before creating or updating a Service to reduce the risk of deployment errors and reduce the feedback loop. Previously, you might have only discovered there was an image inaccessibility issue after a deployment failure. This enhancement saves time and lets you correct the issue immediately.

  1. New service configuration form rollout update
    We are incrementally rolling out our new service configuration form to more users. This form offers a more intuitive and efficient way to configure your Service, enhancing your deployment experience.

    Let us know what you think of the new form and overall enhanced deployment experience!

  1. CLI: Docker image validation, display Git SHA, and more

    We now check the validity of the Docker images when creating or updating a service.
    For Git-based deployment,koyeb deployment get and koyeb deployment describe commands now display the Git commit SHA.

    Check out the full CLI changelog of v3.8.0.

  2. Deploy LangServe (by LangChain) with a click

    You can now deploy LangServe in one click on Koyeb! LangChain is a powerful framework for building applications with AI language models. LangServe is a LangChain project that helps you build and deliver these applications over a REST API.

    In addition to the one-click Langserve app, we also published a tutorial to build REST APIs for LangChain applications using LangServe.