Changelog #29 - Koyeb Metrics in GA, CLI improvements, and more

Today, we are thrilled to share that Koyeb Metrics is in general availability! You can easily monitor, troubleshoot, and manage your application’s performance by checking your built-in metrics dashboard.

This week’s changelog also includes improved region management in the CLI, a fixed display bug, new authentication and sign-up pages, a new tutorial and blog post!

Let’s jump in:

  1. Koyeb Metrics GA: Built-in observability to monitor your apps performances

    We are excited to share the general availability of Koyeb Metrics! While we take care of running your applications across 6 locations on high-performance bare metal servers, we want to provide you with an easy way to monitor and troubleshoot your applications’ performances.

    Koyeb Metrics is a built-in dashboard for all your services running on the platform, providing a high-level understanding of your service’s health such as CPU and memory usage, average response time, request throughput, and public data transfer.

    This is a built-in observability tool that requires zero configuration from you and comes at no additional cost. You can access your service metrics directly on the control panel.

    Check out the full announcement and documentation to learn how to use Koyeb Metrics.

    Koyeb Metrics in the dashboard - CPU, RAM, request throughput

  2. Improved region management in the CLI

    We fixed an issue that occurred when using the --region flag in the CLI. Previously, running the command to update a service and using the optional flag, --region would raise an error. Read the Koyeb CLI Reference to learn more about managing regions using the CLI.

  1. Fixed logs issue in the CLI

    We fixed an issue in the CLI that previously prevented you from accessing the logs of a service outside of your default organization. You can now use the CLI to access all of your logs.

  2. New authentication and sign-up pages

    You may have noticed that we revamped our authentication pages and made the process of signing up for a Koyeb account using GitHub even more visible.

  3. Deploy DocuSeal tutorial and Use cache to accelerate Docker builds blog post

    We published a new tutorial showcasing how to deploy DocuSeal, an open source digital document management platform, on Koyeb.

    Last week, we announced the GA of Dockerfile deployments. We also published a new blog post about how you can use cache to speed up your Docker builds and explains how Docker build cache works behind the scenes.

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