What’s new with this changelog update:
Public release of the Koyeb Terraform provider
You know Terraform as the powerful tool for managing infrastructure running in the cloud. We publicly announced the Koyeb Terraform provider and are now an Hashicorp Technology Partner.
With the Koyeb Terraform provider, you can use Terraform to manage all of your Koyeb resources and easily combine with other providers to automate your infrastructure. If you want to learn more and find out how to get started using the Koyeb Terraform provider:
Read the official announcement
Introducing the Koyeb Terraform Provider - Koyeb
Check out the Koyeb Terraform partner provider at Terraform Registry
We’re looking forward to seeing what you deploy with this. Feel free to share with us how you’re using the Koyeb Terraform provider in the comments below.
New health check status messages
We added messages at the deployment and instance levels to provide more details when one of your health checks fails. You now see a message indicating the health check port and protocol in failure. These messages are accessible by hovering over the deployment and instance status.
Health checks are in technical preview. If you want access to this feature, let us know in the comments below.
New MongoDB Atlas x Koyeb documentation
We published new documentation showcasing how to connect a managed MongoDB Atlas database to an application running on Koyeb.
If you want to see how easy it is to connect your MongoDB database to an application running on Koyeb, use this Deploy to Koyeb button to deploy a demo application.
If you’re using MongoDB in your stack, we’d love to hear about your experiences combining MongoDB with Koyeb!
Fix logs when switching between new deployments
We noticed an issue that previous logs were not clearing when selecting a different instance or after triggering a new deployment. We fixed this bug and now clear the build and runtime logs when you switch between different deployments or instances.
You’re caught up to speed on our latest features and improvements. Have comments, suggestions, or ideas for us? We’d love to hear what you think!