Changelog Update #17 - Build from Dockerfile in technical preview, monthly usage summary, and new Remix deployment guide

We are thrilled to share that Build from Dockerfile is in technical preview for everyone!

Follow the steps below to get started building from a Dockerfile with Koyeb:

Build from Dockerfile via the control panel πŸ–₯

When deploying or updating a service using the git-driven deployment option, you can now choose Dockerfile as the builder. For those who need it, we also provide some options to override your Dockerfile defaults.

Use Koyeb CLI to build from Dockerfile πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

We added the --git-builder option, which allows you to choose how your project is built: buildpack (default) or docker.

For instance, here’s the command to create a new Koyeb app and service using the build from Dockerfile.

koyeb app init <MY_PROJECT> --git<YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT>/<YOUR_REPOSITORY> --git-branch main --git-builder docker

Make sure to replace MY_PROJECT, YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT and <YOUR_REPOSITORY> with your own values.

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