Changelog #58 - Deploy from a local directory, reference Koyeb variables in your environment variables, and more

Hello, and welcome to this week’s changelog update! Let’s jump into what’s new:

  1. Deploy from a local directory

    You can now deploy a local directory using koyeb deploy via Koyeb CLI. This provides a zero-setup way to deploy on Koyeb. Previously two methods of deployment were supported, using GitHub or pre-built containers.

  2. Reference Koyeb variables in your environment variables

    You can now reference Koyeb variables and secrets when defining environment variables. For instance, the following environment variable:PUBLIC_URL= https://{{KOYEB_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}} will be evaluated at runtime and set to . It allows you to define a variable value dynamically instead of setting a hard-coded value.

    Reference Koyeb variables

  3. Deploy specific Git commit via the CLI

    We added the --git-sha option to koyeb service update and koyeb service create commands of the CLI allowing you to choose the Git commit to deploy. Previously, the latest commit was automatically deployed.

    Check out all CLI changes in the v4.0.0 changelog.

  4. New tutorial: Build a Video Processing Pipeline with AssemblyAI on Koyeb

    Learn how to build a video processing pipeline with AssemblyAI in Nuno’s latest tutorial. At the end of this tutorial, you can expect a reliable and scalable app that can process videos and extract valuable metadata, such as transcriptions, tags, and categories.