NodeJs Buildpack npm version

I tried to run a project from Github(GitHub - 19Andrei97/dalmuti-online-v2: Card Game The Great Dalmuti v2), but It failed.

12:20:09 AM stderr Detected Node.js version range: 8.9.3
12:20:09 AM stderr Resolved Node.js version: 8.9.3
12:20:09 AM stderr [Installing Node.js distribution]
12:20:09 AM stderr Downloading Node.js 8.9.3

12:20:22 AM stderr - Using npm version 5.5.1

12:20:23 AM stderr - Running npm ci "--production=false"

[error logs, saying there’s no “ci” in npm]

12:20:23 AM stderr - Done (0.142s)
12:20:23 AM stderr - Debug info
12:20:23 AM stderr - Command failed npm ci "--production=false"
12:20:23 AM stderr exit status: 1

I found out that npm 5 does not have “npm ci”, but I don’t know how to solve this.
Is there a way for me to choose Nodejs or npm versions I want?

(ps. I’m just a foreign student who just started to learn programming, and I’m not good at English. I’m sorry if I wrote or asked something wrong.)


You should be able to specify the version of Node.js using the engines key of your package.json. Take a look at this page for more information.

I’m not 100% sure about npm, but it might work to add "npm": "your-version" to the engines as well.

Let me know how it goes.