Hi, we want to launch a Node app via GitHub, I previously connected/installed Koyeb on the repo, but it’s not showing up in the app list. Also, not sure where to check for the installation on the repo itself. Could you please help out? Thanks!
So you tried to install the Koyeb Github App from here?
It looks like the GitHub app is not connected for your organization.
If it is properly setup, you should see it on Github here: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
Are you trying to add it to an organization or a personal account?
Hi David,
I’m quoting my colleague who attempted this:
“on Koyeb (deploy), it says the GitHub app is not installed. Then I follow the process, install GitHub, enable the branch, and see that Koyeb is installed on GitHub. I then return to Koyeb, and it simply says I have to install GitHub - as if none of the previous installations have been registered.”
Do you or anyone know what might be behind this? We saw an old topic with a similar problem but it seems to be a resolved bug so we’re confused.
Hello @Nicolai_Alexandrowsk,
It looks like the GitHub App installation process was not fully completed. Try to uninstall the App from GitHub (here), then from the Koyeb control panel, start the installation again.
When you click the “Install GitHub App” button, you should be redirected to GitHub to register the App. Then, GitHub should redirect you to the Koyeb control panel to complete the installation process. If you have a different behavior, or if you see an error message, let us know so we can investigate.
Also, please note that the installation process must be done from app.koyeb.com (we are working on new version of the control panel, next.app.koyeb.com, but installing the GitHub app from there is not supported yet).