Error when upgrading Free Trial to Pro plan


I’m trying to upgrade my free trial plan to the pro plan, but I’m receiving the following error message after inputting my payment information. I verified the charge isn’t being blocked on my side.


Hi @Kamren_Harris

Sorry to hear that! We checked and it seems that your card is failing the 3ds verification. Can you check why?

After doing light reading online (Since I’ve never heard of 3DS before), I don’t know how I could mitigate this. There’s 2 scenarios that could be occurring if I understand correctly:

  1. My information is incorrect - I’ve retyped it at least a dozen times, so I think we can mark that off. I will say that in the address drop down, there is not an option to use a PO Box for my billing address so I’m using our physical business address in the same city.
  2. There should be a prompt to allow me to approve the transaction with a password or one type verification code - I’ve never had to do this with this card, and nothing has prompted me for anything. This may be my ignorance since I’ve never done this before.


It looks like our internal admin couldn’t see the transaction being blocked, however our provider could and it was blocked for fraud. They allowed it, and it worked that time.

Thank you!

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