Changelog #56 - Apps and Services rename, edit App public domain, new CLI version, and more

Hello, and welcome to this week’s changelog update!

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All right, let’s jump into what’s new:

  1. Apps and Services rename

    You can now rename your Apps and Services. This is useful for better identifying your resources. This is available in the API, the CLI, and soon in the control panel.

  2. Edit App public domain

    It is now possible to edit the public domain assigned to an App. This allows you to get more control over the name of the domain. This is available using the API and the CLI.

  3. New CLI version

    We have released a new version of the CLI. This includes the koyeb app update --name and koyeb service update --name commands to rename Apps and Services.

    We also introduced the koyeb app update -—domain command that allows you to edit the App public domain.

    Rename App, and domains using the CLI

    Check out the full CLI changelog of v3.12.0.

  4. New tutorial: Use Autonomous AI Agents with SerpApi and AutoGPT to Build a Trip Planner

    Rishi just published a tutorial to create and deploy a trip planner using an autonomous AI agent in a Next.js application on Koyeb. The application prepares a trip itinerary based on the given destination and a trip length and can even be deployed in one click.