Quota increase request

Hi! I have been using Koyeb for a few months now.
I have bene onthe starter plan for a while.
I use it for side projects and suggested it to around 100 of my students in the past year or so.
Today I logged in to change some env variables to a project and discovered I cannot “save and deploy” anymore. I get a dialog saying:
It looks like you’re ready to deploy on a Free instance, but we’ll need to increase your organization quota first.
Why is this? The instance is free, I am on a free plan, the app doesn’t use anything that requires payment, so I don’t understand why I would need to change plans, if the free one still exists.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I see exactly the same thing - I only created my first Koyeb service last night and was really impressed - but now I want to change an environment variable and it seems I need a paid plan?

It’s not clear if this is perhaps a bug (as it seems OP has been using the service for a while and never previously seen this), or if for some reason, a change in env var and a redployment is outside the free tier quota?

Hi, we are looking into the issue.

Meanwhile, you can use the CLI to update your service.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

No worries @David - thanks for letting us know this is a bug and not a feature!

Hello, we released a fix, updating an existing service should work as expected now.

Thanks, can confirm this now works!