Fail to build for the first time

Error from logs:

Instance created. Preparing to start...

Instance is starting... Waiting for health checks to pass.

TCP health check failed on port 8000.

Instance stopped.

How I can debug that?

App works great locally and on Vultr. All local vars are there. Runtime.txt is there.

Run command that I set in settings: python3

Hi @Art, does your app listen on port 8000?

@Lukasz_Oles Super helpful, thanks.
Next boss: I use auth via terminal and have to put credentials via CLI, otherwise it can’t be launched. Web UI gives only logs, not console. I installed CLI.

Ok, now:

koyeb service redeploy foo/bar

INFO[0002] Service foo/bar redeployed.

Nothing happened, I don’t see the same logs and prompt to input credentials (as I see from web UI).

Thanks for the help

What credentials do you mean? I see that CLI worked, so not Koyeb credentials.

Pyrogram’s auth is one-time procedure via console.

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TCP health check failed on port 8000.
Enter phone number or bot token: Server started at: 2025-02-04 09:30:59.685611