Deploy static React website

my team has a frontend in React that talks to backend API in Flask. I deployed the backend successfully but I cannot deploy the frontend. It build successfully but then fails with “no run command”. I tried overriding run command by faking the run command such as echo “No command needed” which still didn’t work as it was stuck at

Instance created. Preparing to start...
Instance is starting. Propagating network configuration...
Network configuration propagated
No command needed
No command needed
Application exited with code 0
Instance created. Preparing to start...
Instance stopped
Network configuration propagated
Instance is starting. Propagating network configuration...
No command needed
No command needed
Application exited with code 0
Instance stopped

How can I deploy a static page?


What about creating a Dockerfile, and using nginx?

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Dockerfile:
FROM nginx

COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
  1. Create a Koyeb service. Select the docker builder, and expose the port 80.
  2. tadam! it should work

yes that is what I ended up doing. I thought there has to be a simpler solution.