How to link ALIAS

Hi, so as stated from the documentation, it is currently not possible to to assign an apex domain for apps.

But when I went to Domain section and tried, I got the following to assign an ALIAS: ALIAS

So I went to my domain on Hostinger, added a DNS record with @ linking to, but the verification on koyeb failed

Can you help me find out what I did wrong?

Sorry I’m fairly new to this, so my description could be a bit clumsy

Hi @Dang_Gia_Chi !

There is no need to apologize, you were right when quoting the doc. The hint in the control panel makes things unclear. We will fix this.

Except if your domain is managed by Cloudflare (which we rely on), it is not possible to assign apex domains to apps. From here, you have two options:

  • Transfer your domain from Hostinger to cloudflare and add the ALIAS record from there
  • Setup a HTTP redirection on Hostinger:
    • Create the custom domain www.<yourdomain>.com on Koyeb
    • Create a CNAME on your provider from www.<yourdomain>.com to <something> This will make your app available on
    • Create a HTTP redirection on Hostinger. This will make <yourdomain>.com redirect to www.<yourdomain>.com Input the following fields:
      • Redirect: <yourdomain>.com leave “path” empty
      • Redirect to : choose “URL”
      • Redirect to: www.<yourdomain>.com

Hi @nicolas, thanks a lot for your reply. I changed my nameserver to Cloudflare and was able to assign my app to an ALIAS successfully

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